Our Services

Technical Real Estate Management

Solutions that target our customers' needs and objectives

Our technical real estate management services ensure the optimal functionality, efficiency, compliance, and longevity of a property's technical infrastructure and facilities.

With cutting-edge technology, constant innovation and extensive industry expertise, we drive efficiency, cost savings, a sustainable focus, and compliance for our customers.

By leveraging data, expertise and technology, our services provide solutions that target our customers' needs and objectives. This empowers them to focus on their core business objectives, reduce operational risks, and achieve greater value and success in their real estate endeavors.


Technical Real Estate Management

Specialised expertise

DEAS delivers specialised expertise in technical real estate management. Our services are tailored to meet our customers’ specific demands and secures overall value for their real estate portfolios.

Tailored solutions

DEAS is committed to delivering comprehensive, proactive and customised services that cater to the unique needs of our customers. Our services encompass property maintenance, energy optimisation, legal compliance and asset lifecycle management.

Recognising that each customer has distinct needs and objectives, we tailor our solutions accordingly. Our team works closely with our customers to gain a comprehensive understanding of their objectives, allowing us to deliver customised services that align perfectly with their requirements.

Thorough data analysis and leveraging of our industry knowledge means we can provide our customers with valuable insights so they can make well-informed decisions.

A trusted partnership

Transparent communication and consultation lie at the heart of our service approach. We prioritise fostering open and honest dialogue with our customers to ensure that they are well-informed about the progress and development of their projects.

In a rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. We embrace this challenge by adopting a proactive approach. By anticipating potential challenges and taking preemptive measures, we mitigate risks and optimise outcomes.

We take pride in being your trusted partner, providing solutions that not only address your immediate needs but also contribute to your long-term objectives.

Our sub services include ten year capital expenditure and maintenance (capex/maintenance) plans, fire-related operation, control and maintenance DKV plans, and a full-service overview.

Morten Christiansen
Morten Christiansen
Senior Director
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